Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sugars and Weight Loss

Human beings, whether we like to admit it or not, are not that far removed from early mankind, that is, we are not that far evolved from the first evolved humans. Humans were generally gatherers. The early humans ate what was available to them, when able to find edible foods. What was available to humans was very natural, totally unprocessed food stuffs, complex carbohydrates, proteins, natural sugars....these were available to the early humans. The human body then and now is very good at breaking down and using any kind of carbohydrate.

In the past 100 years or so, much of our food is highly processed for many reasons. Cost, mass production, maintaining freshness, packaging, enhanced taste are many of the goals of processing. The processing of the food means that our barely evolved digestive system that is used to processing complex foods are now seeing and processing less complex foods, especially carbohydrates.

One thing that needs to be known is that sugars are carbohydrates that the human body will break down during digestion and store them in the body. This leads to quick weight gain. That being said, sugars in fruits are more complex and are not as easily processed and some do not trigger glycemic processing in the human body. Again, the less processed, the less bad it is for you in the case of sugars.

Bottom line: To maintain weight avoid sugars if possible. The simpler sugars should be avoided at all costs, no alcohol, no simple sugars.

Happy eating.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Helpful Hints for Better Eating

People ask, "What can I do to make better choices in my eating habits?" My typical thought is that we all have control what we put into our bodies. What we ingest, drink, smoke, rub on our skin, all affects our bodies. The human body is a resourceful machine that reacts to inputs. So, we can change the inputs and somewhat control what reactions our bodies have.

Moving on, here's some hints, actually mindsets, that can help each of us eat better. And eating better can make you feel better.

  • Eat slower, this will allow your body to recognize when it is full.
There is a time delay from our stomachs being full and our brains recognizing that we have consumed enough food.
  • Eat only until full, don't eat until you are uncomfortable.
This is related to the first item, overeating only causes weight gain, it serves no other purpose. Humans not long ago were hunters and gatherers. We did not know when the next meal would be and we would go long periods without food, until the next meal was obtained, therefore, our bodies are programmed to store the energy consumed beyond what is used at that moment. This is a big issue with many people, I have been there.
  • Eat unprocessed foods
The human body is made to process less processed foods. More processed foods tend to be simpler to digest, and in turn, quicker to be stored in the body.
  • Stay away from simple sugars
Simple sugars such as are found in processed sugars and alcohols are processed and stored almost immediately. There is little that I enjoy more than a good beer or a chocolate bar, but I know that these are very bad for me and that they can make me gain a lot of weight.
  • Change the way you look at food
Food needs to be viewed as fuel for the body instead of as comfort. Wow, this is a tough one for many people. Do you or people you know have foods that they have to have. Soda, chips, chocolate, burgers.....seems that "good food" becomes synonymous with tasting good. Yes you want to eat what your body likes but that does not mean that there are not substitutes for foods that you might enjoy as well. For me, I use a few garbanzo beans as a satisfier instead of sugar or carb laden foods. Find your own substitutes.

You can control what goes into your body. Take control of your health.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Easy Sauted Veggie Omelet

3 eggs
1/2 cup diced onion
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/8 cup of mozzarella cheese
Dash of Soy Milk

Saute in a pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil the diced onion, sliced mushrooms, and minced garlic.

When fully cooked, which is when the onion is transparent, transfer to a bowl.

With three eggs put in a dash of soy milk and beat for about 30 seconds until fully mixed.

In the same pan, put in a little more olive oil, just enough to make the egg not stick to the pan.
On medium heat, cook the eggs until they start to solidify, then place evenly the saute mix on one side of the egg, sprinkle a little part skim mozzarella on top. When the egg has sufficiently solidify fold over like any typical omelet.

Slide off onto plate. I like to top with a little salsa or hot sauce to spice it up.

Enjoy. Should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

JC's Awesome Salad Recipe

This is a quick and easy salad dish that is terrific and good for you.

Handful of mixed greens, the greener the better
1/2 cup garbanzo beans
1/2 cup baby peas
1 small chopped yellow pepper
1 small chopped red pepper
(Add any other fresh veggies to taste)
2 tsp. of parmesian cheese

1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon mixed Italian seasonings (parsley, oregano, add cilantro if desired)

The key: mixing the dressing so that all the veggies are equally covered and the parmesian cheese is distributed throughout the salad.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Basics for Eating Better

Some simple tips to eating better.
  1. Small portions
  2. Eat often - 6 times a day
  3. Read labels of foods you buy
  4. No "partially hydrogenated" anything
  5. Low fat
  6. Low carbs
  7. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  8. Plan your meals ahead of time
  9. Don't overeat
  10. "The less processed, the better it is for you"
If you follow these simple rules, you will feel better, have more energy, and possibly lose some unwanted pounds, likely unwanted fat.